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EARTHCHAT: The Inland Rail Plans, especially in Broadford

On EarthChat this week, Marie Gerrard and Ruth Yeatman will be interviewing Ian Dempsey about the plans to build the Inland Rail, especially through Broadford. Ian Dempsey is a local Broadford citizen with a long record of activism in Mitchell Shire particularly in environmental issues. He is an active member of the Rotary Club of Southern Mitchell as environmental chair. He is also involved in the Rotary Environmental Sustainability Group. He has recently become a member of Mitchell Environmental Advisory Committee. 

On this week's show, we will be concentrating on the  environmental effects of the Inland Rail in Broadford with work scheduled to start soon. There are obvious benefits to our region in using trains for transporting freight rather than large trucks, but we need to value our environment as well.  Is there a better option, or how can we support train cargo plans AND the local environment. Listen in!To

TUNE IN: SeymourFM, 12noon, Tuesday 18th March. Click here for Seymour FM's website

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BEAM Mitchell Environment Group Inc.

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