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EARTHCHAT: Rooftop Solar Systems energy trading system trial - Project EDGE

15&16 Oct:

Rooftop Solar Systems, with project EDGE (Energy Demand and Generation Exchange), can become engaged in a simulated market and trading system in a new 3 year regional trial.

The energy systems which exist today were designed for one-way flows of electricity from large-scale generators to consumers. But this means that the full value of the rooftop solar systems and other renewables owned by Australian households and businesses are not fully realised. However, with record volumes of rooftop solar being installed and more big wind farms and solar farms coming on line, Australia is now developing a distributed energy system with less reliance on the old coal fired generators..

Project EDGE aims to develop a new energy marketplace that fully realises the financial and environmental benefits of your renewables investments – with incentives for various levels of participation. 

To summarise project EDGE briefly:

• It will be based primarily in the Hume region across 12 local council jurisdictions;

• The $28 million project will see Mondo partner with AusNet Services, AEMO and local entities to develop  a replicable model for trading of electricity and grid services from Distributed Energy Resource (DER) that can be expanded across the National Electricity Market (NEM); and

• The project will pioneer the creation of a new market for DER to be dispatched and traded as part of the NEM.

But households and businesses can sell their power to the grid already, so why is this different? Well, you are PAID to participate, but what control do you have?

Matt Charles-Jones is the Community Energy Partner manager with Mondo, who have teamed up with AusNet Services and AEMO in this project.

Matt joins Peter and David on EarthChat this week to explain more about this innovative trial, and an opportunity for community participation.

The Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) funds support the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) and AusNet Services in this three-year trial in the Hume region to create a simulated market and trading mechanisms to maximise the economic value of your solar and/or battery assets and minimise the costs of supply to all energy customers.

Mitchell Community Energy has been invited to be part of this exciting project and identify homes and businesses that would like to be part of the project. For participating homes battery subsidies of $1,000 are available, a participating payment of $1,000 per annum will be paid, and a free UBI energy management system valued at $1,000 will be provided.

Participating businesses can take advantage of a solar PV system power purchase agreement offer with $0 upfront capital and first 3 months energy at no cost. The businesses can also access a battery subsidy of $6,000 per 50kWh system, and more with bigger batteries. They will also be provided with a free UBI energy management system to the value of $2,000 fully installed.

Listen in to EarthChat and hear more about this exciting renewables initiative in our region, and what opportunities there may be for YOU to be a partner in this 3 year project.

Click here for more about Project EDGE.

If you would like to take part in this exciting project, contact Jeff Wilmot, secretary of Mitchell Community Energy Inc. on 0477 054 666.

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