Plastic Free July is coming and we have an amazing guest to help us plan individual and local community activities! On this week's EarthChat, Tim will be chatting with Rebecca Prince-Ruiz, the founder of the global Plastic Free Foundation.
Plastic Free July is a key initiative of the Plastic Free Foundation, inspiring all of us to work towards a vision of seeing a world free of plastic waste. From humble beginnings in 2011 with Rebecca and a small team in local government in Western Australia, it is now one of the most influential environmental campaigns in the world. Millions of people across the globe take part every year, with many committing to reducing plastic pollution far beyond the month of July.
Rebecca is a change-maker, author, TEDx speaker and sustainability professional who is motivated to care for people and planet. Rebecca believes that as individuals, by changing our relationship with plastic and challenging our consumption, together we can work towards a world without plastic waste.
Want to read more and get involved in Plastic Free July? Look here.
Join us 12 noon, Tuesday 4th June. The show will be repeated on 103.9 SeymourFM at 8am on Saturday. Click here for Seymour FM's website.
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