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EARTHCHAT: On the Ground - a Regenerative Farmer for 30 years and growing

This Tuesday, Peter is joined by an old friend, Annemaree Docking. She's a hands-on, small-farm landholder who's been practising sustainable farming for 30 years. She is also a former Vice President of the BEAM Committee.

Annemaree was raised on a suburban block in Doncaster, on what was then the outskirts of Melbourne, very much a fringe suburb in the 1980’s, apple and pear orchards were giving way to quarter acre Aussie dreams while Annemaree grew up riding horses where the Eastern Freeway and townhouses now preside. The changing landscape left its impression on her.

She is currently a PhD candidate with Deakin University researching Regenerative Agriculture Systems.   Her Regenerative Agriculture for Climate Resilience project considers the concept of regenerative agriculture and its potential to support transformative change of peri-urban agriculture and landscape for greater climate resilience of cities and regional centres. Annemaree is the Principal Consultant of her new business project Thriving Rural.

Join us 12noon, Tuesday 26th March. The show will be repeated on 103.9 SeymourFM at 8am on Saturday. Seymour FM 103.9 MHz website

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BEAM Mitchell Environment Group Inc.

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