On EarthChat this week, Claudia James, President of the Wallan Environment Group will be discussing environmental planning in our Shire with Marie Gerrard and Ruth Yeatman. Please listen in at 12noon, Tuesday, 1st October.
We'll look at the challenges and opportunities for improving amenities particularly in our high growth areas and focus on the connections between health, wellbeing and nature and practical ways of planning these connections in new developments. Together, we will examine how to best preserve the natural assets of Mitchell Shire. The conversation will include issues of access to schools, health facilities, public transport and alternative energy, all of which need to be included in planning throughout the area.
Claudia will also be involved in the jointly organised Natural Treasures Walk, to take place on Sunday 6th October, at Hidden Valley Rail Reserve. More details here:
So, join us at 12noon, Tuesday 1st October, on SeymourFM, 103.9 on your dial.
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