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EARTHCHAT: Is your super invested ethically for the future of people and the planet?

Rosemary Kelly, EarthChat guest 5th March

For our first Tuesday EarthChat, Tim will be talking to Rosemary Kelly about superannuation investments, international treaties prohibiting weapons which cause indiscriminate civilian deaths, climate change and fossil fuels and how funds apply screens when investing. Find out why this might be important for your super.

Rosemary is a member of the Medical Association for the Prevention of War and is an active member of Quit Nukes which is pushing Australian superannuation funds to exclude companies that produce, or support nuclear weapons from their portfolios.


Rosemary served as Trustee Director for both HESTA Super and Aware Super and chaired Aware's investment committee. She was the Secretary of the Medical Scientists Association of Victoria and of the Victorian Psychologists Association. Rosemary remains a strong advocate of the screening of investments using an ESG lens – Environmental, Social and Governance factors.

Join us 12noon, Tuesday 5th March. The show will be repeated 8am on Saturday.

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