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EARTHCHAT: Handy hints to reduce plastic

Photo by "the blowup" on Unsplash

It's now the middle of Plastic Free July and this week's EarthChat gives us a good opportunity to do a plastic-free stock take. How is the month going for you? What have been the small steps you have taken to make a big difference in reducing plastic in your life? What's going well and what has been a struggle?

On Tuesday 16th July, at 12noon, on SeymourFM, Tim and Ruth chat about plastics. There will also be some cool, plastic-themed music, never before has Radiohead been played next to Teeny Tiny Stevies.

They also have three different local guests who give their perspectives and share handy hints for reducing plastic. Some actions are harder than others and some people have yet to see the importance of reducing plastic waste. However, the good news, is that some changes are easy and fun and can make you feel much better about life and the planet. Hear how one business, Cafe 96, has been doing some exciting things to reduce plastic in their food preparation and offerings. It's a win-win for them and their customers. Also, get some handy hints about other businesses which are moving away from plastic and who you can support them.

Want to join in the conversation? Text your question or comment to 03412 051 574 or call the studio on 5792 1039. We look forward to your company.

It's not too late to get on board with Plastic Free July. Take the challenge here.

Join Tim and Ruth as well as local plastic activists on EarthChat this Tuesday at midday on 103.9 FM.

The show will be repeated on 103.9 SeymourFM at 8am on Saturday. Click here for Seymour FM's website.  Can't catch the radio broadcast? It's already on Spotify, Apple Podcasts,  Podbean and the BEAM website. We make it easy to Earth-Chat!


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