Four roadside bins to grace your kerbside. What is this, how will it work?
Mitchell Shire begins the four-bin roadside collection system in March. A bin for glass only, another for other recyclables, one for green waste and the red bin for landfill. Four bins will take some thinking, and becoming familiar with timetables.
Australia’s recycling per capita is not high: we can do better. In Mitchell Shire. 66% of our rubbish bin is organic waste, so taking that out of the red bin will save on methane generating landfill and enabling a large scale composting operation.
However, there’s a lot to get your head around. Narelle Liepa is Mitchell Shire’s Manager of Environment and Sustainability. She joins Peter Lockyer on EarthChat this week and we will work our way through the new 4 bin system, the reasons behind the new system, and the desired outcomes. 4 bins is a big waste management step, all on your kerbside.
EarthChat this Tuesday Feb 25th at midday…. Its food for thought, yours and mine.
EarthChat on 103.9FM and on podcast. Listen up.
Tune in to Seymour FM 103.9 at twelve noon on Tuesday February 25th or listen on our website or the podcast on any good podcasting platform.
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