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EARTHCHAT: Discovering the Heart of Activism

This week's on EarthChat, 12noon, Tuesday 22nd October, join Tim Budge as he talks to life-long campaigner and activist Jessica Morrison about activism and hope. 

Jessica has spent much of her life challenging militarism in its many guises - whether nuclear weapons, invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan or more recently justice for Palestine. She was Executive Officer for the Australian Palestine Advocacy Network for many years. She has been involved everything from direct action to political lobbying and in being part of and supporting grassroots movements. She was also involved in the establishment of the Pay The Rent organisation, an important organisation that gives Australians a practical way to demonstrate support for Indigenous sovereignty.

She is also passionate about the need to sustain activism by simple activities such as gardening and meditation. She believes in thinking globally and locally and acting on both local and global issues. Jessica's Christianity is a core part of her life - both in inspiring her to challenge injustice, and sustaining herself as she does this. Jessica is currently working for the Quakers in advocating for transparency in the Australian arms trade. 

Together we discuss the heartbreak being experienced by Palestinians at the moment, as well as the need for meaningful peace settlements and also how to balance passion and commitment with the need to be real and to live hopefully and grounded at a personal level.

Join us in a great conversation together.

So, join us at 12noon, Tuesday 1st October, on SeymourFM, 103.9 on your dial.


Click here for Seymour FM's website

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