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EARTHCHAT: An Efficient Electric Home - safe, cheap and reduces emissions

Tim Forcey has written a handbook that shows why, and how you can shift your home to being all electric. Good for your health, and your pocket, and good for the planet. On EarthChat this week, Tim shares his story and delivers a compelling case to go “all electric” and “get off gas”.  It is cheaper, healthier, and smarter.

Join Peter and Tim with Tim Forcey on EarthChat this Tuesday at midday on 103.9 FM in Taungurung country.

12noon, Tuesday 3rd December, on SeymourFM, 103.9 on your dial. Also on Spotify, Apple Podcasts or wherever you get your podcasts. Or you can download from from Wednesday.


Click here for Seymour FM's website

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Our vision: a thriving community that is locally active for a healthy environment.

BEAM Mitchell Environment Group Inc.

ABN: 49 540 227 504

INC: A0021019E

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