What is Rising Tide? Rising Tide is an organisation that believes it is time to escalate the defence of our climate. For them, time is short and the stakes could not be higher. Australia’s fossil fuel addiction is driving the world to the brink of mass extinction. Rising Tide argues that now is the time for all of us to step up our support of the climate by joining together to take mass direct action against the biggest threat to our future. It may be the only way.
The 2024 People’s Blockade saw 10 incredible days of collective action, courage and solidarity in Muloobinba/Newcastle (the world's largest coal port) and on Ngunnawal and Ngambri Country in Canberra. Together, Rising Tide made history – this was the biggest act of civil disobedience for climate in Australia’s history, smashing their own record set in 2023!
Mitchell local and BEAM committee member Peter Gaffney is an organiser for Rising Tide and he joins EarthChat again to talk about this amazing movement. Peter is dedicated to the well-being of both the planet and its inhabitants. He is both an impassioned environmental activist and palliative care nurse specialist. Throughout his career, the planet's welfare has remained a central priority. He has sought to bridge the gap between environmental activism and healthcare, recognizing the intricate relationship between a healthy planet and the well-being of its inhabitants.
We will hear from Peter about his passions and advocacy work and we will get a first hand report on the Rising Tide blockade work in November 2024. Listen in and find out why this work is important and what you can do to support climate action. Read more about Rising Tide in Victoria on Facebook or check out Rising Tide's website here.
Tune in to Seymour FM 103.9 at twelve noon on Tuesday February 18th or listen on our website or the podcast on any good podcasting platform.
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