It's been a big year! Lots has happened; some good but not everything has contributed to making our planetary home a just and sustainable place to live. This Tuesday on EarthChat, Tim and Peter will pull apart the year, separate out the good, the bad and the ugly and find some music to reflect the diversity of the EarthChat radio show over the last year.
What have been your highlights? Which EarthChat episodes have struck a chord with you? Where did you find hope, inspiration or community? Did you develop any practical skills that have helped you have a positive impact on your world? What music, books and events have inspired you and how will you take that positive energy into the New Year. Send us your thoughts via text on +0412051574 before or during the program. Tune in, we are looking forward to your company.
Join us for this fun and energetic conversation. 12noon, Tuesday 31st December, on SeymourFM, 103.9 on your dial.
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