Our History
The predecessors to BEAM Mitchell Environment Group where the Seymour Environment Group which was established in 1978 and the Broadford Environmental Action Movement established in 1989. The Broadford Environmental Action Movement (BEAM) was formed to provide a forum for environmental action and discussion within the Broadford community. The two groups amalgamated on 8 June 1997.
Since then BEAM has continued to be involved in a broad range of activities across the Mitchell Shire and beyond including:
Presented evidence at the Victorian Bushfire Royal Commission.
Auspiced the establishment of Transition Village Wallan.
Run a campaign in support of the Cherry Tree wind farm development including submissions to the Mitchell Shire Council and VCAT in relation to the proposal.
Participated in the development of various Council strategies and policies including the Mitchell Shire 2020 strategy and Shire Planning Scheme Review, the Open Space and Recreational Trails Strategy, and the Council’s Structure Plans for Wallan, Kilmore, Wandong/Heathcote Junction, Seymour and Broadford.
Provided submissions on a range of state and federal government policies, strategies and plans including recent responses on the EPBC Act and the VEAC enquiries into remnant vegetation and Victoria’s Central Western Forests.
Supported and facilitated the BEAM Bulk Foods Scheme.
Led the development of Sustainable Seymour which has fed into the Seymour Structure Plan and the development of renewable energy in Seymour (now run by Mitchell Community Energy).
Run nature walks including spotlight walks in our local parks.
Led an investigative project into management options for stable waste.
Participated in reviews of the management of Kilmore Hospital Reservoir Management Plan, Granite Park near Seymour, Monument Hill (including Shire/CFA planning sessions formalizing fire access tracks in Kilmore’s Monument Hill).
Participated in Clean Up Australia Day and National Tree Day events.
Supported the South West Goulburn Landcare Network Farmblitz Project.