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Governance Rules and Structure

Rules of Association


BEAM was incorporated under the Associations Incorporation Act l98l on 8th June 1990. As an incorporated community group, we have the following rules:


The BEAM Committee


BEAM is run by a committee elected by members at the Annual General Meeting in August/September.  View Current committee members.


What do committee members do?


Committee members work together to decide on the group’s activities, ensure the group is financially viable and accountable, and enhance the group’s local profile. In practice, this involves a range of activities, including:


Attending and participating in bi-monthly 2-hour meetings

Contributing to email discussions and decisions in between

Organising and participating in projects and activities

Participating in working groups with other stakeholders, or representing BEAM at other meetings or activities

Contributing to the BEAM newsletter

Acting as an office bearer for the group

Taking on portfolios on topics that are of particular interest to them


What do office bearers do?


President: The president is the group’s Chairperson, responsible for organising and chairing committee meetings. The chair also takes a leading role in setting the course of activities, and monitoring progress. They may also act as a spokesperson or represent BEAM at official functions.


Vice President: The vice president stands in for the president when they’re absent, so needs to be active and up to date with current activities and issues.


Treasurer: The treasurer’s job is to monitor the group’s financial processes and keep on top of reporting obligations. This involves preparing a financial report for each committee meeting, organising and monitoring bank accounts, arranging or the payment of accounts, and drawing up a budget. They also liaise with external auditors for the production of annual financial statements.


Secretary: The secretary prepares and distributes meeting agendas and minutes, and coordinates correspondence to and from members and other stakeholders. They also ensure BEAM meets its incorporation responsibilities by submitting the annual statement.


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Our vision: a thriving community that is locally active for a healthy environment.

BEAM Mitchell Environment Group Inc.

ABN: 49 540 227 504

INC: A0021019E

Mail: C/- PO Box 767, Seymour, Vic 3661


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